One of the major ways Christians have let the Word of God dwell in us richly throughout history has been through singing hymns in church gatherings. Hymns are beloved because they share the richness of the gospel and the beauty of Jesus Christ in an attractive and memorable way.
Hymns have the habit of ministering to our hearts, giving us hope and faith. They teach us theology, help us minister to each other, unite us with Christians from the past centuries, and take our eyes off ourselves and put them on Jesus.
Here are the titles of some of the most popular Christian hymns. The list includes some classic hymns and some modern/contemporary church hymns.
1. Amazing Grace – John Newton, England (1779)
2. How Great Thou Art – Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885)
3. Holy, Holy, Holy – Reginald Heiber, England (1826)
4. It is Well – Horacio Spafford, written in the Atlantic Ocean (1873)
5. Great Is Thy Faithfulness – Thomas Chisholm, Kansas, USA (1923)
6. Praise to the Lord the Almighty – Joachim Neander, Germany (1665)
7. Be Thou My Vision – Dallán Forgaill, Ireland (6th Century)
8. All Creatures of Our God and King – St. Francis of Assisi, Italy (1225)
9. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name – Edward Perronet, England (1779)
10. Blessed Assurance – Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1873)
11. To God Be the Glory – Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1872)
12. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – Isaac Watts, England (1707)
13. Jesus Paid it All – Elvina Hall, Maryland, USA (1865)
14. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God – Martin Luther, Germany (between 1527 and 1529)
15. How Firm A Foundation – John Rippon, England (1787)
16. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Robert Robison, England (1757)
17. Crown Him With Many Crowns – Matthew Bridges, England (1852)
18. At the Cross – Isaac Watts, England (1707)
19. What a Friend We Have in Jesus – Joseph M. Scriven (words in 1855) and Charles Converse (music in 1868), Ireland
20. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus – Helen Lemmel, England (1922)
21. In Christ Alone – Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, Northern Ireland/England (2001)
22. Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) – Chris Rice, USA (2003)
23. 10,000 Reasons – Matt Redman, England (2011)
24. I Will Glory in My Redeemer – Steve and Vicki Cook, Louisville, Kentucky, USA (2000)
25. Jesus, Thank You – Pat Sczebel, Louisville, Kentucky, USA (2003)