Colossians 4:12 … Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets
you, ALWAYS LABORING fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand PERFECT
and COMPLETE in All the Will of God.
Let me point our three powerful concepts from this verse.
1. Epaphras is one of them… not a big shot … a bondservant of Christ
2. He is laboring … working hard … fervently in prayer for them
3. He wants them to stand Perfect & Complete in all the Will of God
I would love to have someone to pray for me like that! Don’t you? Wow!
Epaphras is a mighty prayer-warrior! He is working fervently for them. We all
want men and women like this person. They are not famous, nor hold high
position, but they are powerful INTERCESSORS.
1. Please pray that the Lord will raise people like Epaphras in our communities! 2. You might consider asking the Lord to give you the burden and labor of praying for others.
3. Let us strive to receive the answers of this man’s prayers to walk perfect & complete in All the Will of God.
Dr. Eric Giorgio, VP and Provost of Promise
Senior Pastor of Community Christian Center of Covina